@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001071, author = {佐藤, 信枝 and Sato, Nobue}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, This study focuses on the daily care of the aged where both nursing and the care-giving professions are involved. Its purpose is to investigate the social support given to ease interpersonal relationships at work and the frequency of the development of frustration, both at home and in the work environment of personnel in these professions; and to delineate the factors that contribute to emotional stress and the development of irritations characteristics to each occupational entity. One hundred facilities serving 50 or more patients were selected in prefectures where more than 18.9% of the population were aged, according to a 1997 study on the trends in public health. Nurses and care-giving personnel in these facilities served as the subjects. The focus was on age categories, length of service unique to each profession, factors related to stress due to the surroundings, and the effects of social support. At each age category, a significant difference was noted between the frequency of experiencing frustratin related to everyday events and that caused by the work enviroment. It has been known that social support is needed to ease the psychological stress in the work environment; but this study indicated that appropriate social support is also required by those who are in their 20s when one's life can be tumultuous. The cause-effect study of various factors indicated that social support ameliorates one's frustration in daily life situations. When classified by age, it was found that those in their 40s as well as those in their 20s require both emotional support and support based on professional evaluation. In the future, intervention by offering an appropriate type of support for various situations will be needed., 本研究では, 両職種が業務を協働する領域である身辺介護業務に焦点を当て, 両職種それぞれの周囲の人間関係に伴う社会的支援, 職場を離れた日常の生活苛立ち事, 職場環境での苛立ち事の実態を調査し, その構成要素と職種別の特性を明らかにすることを目的とした。調査対象の選定は, 1997年の国民衛生の動向から老年人口18.9%以上の都道府県, 施設規模が利用者数50名以上の100施設, 看護職と介護職を対象とした。年齢層, 職種経験年数などの特性, 身辺介護業務ストレスに影響する要因とソーシャルサポートとの関連を検討した。すべての年齢層で日常苛立ち事が職場環境苛立ち事に有意差があった。職場環境上で生じる心理的な影響を緩和していくためにはソーシャルサポートが必要である。生活出来事の多い20歳代には何らかの適切な社会的支援の必要性があることが示唆された。介護業務ストレス要因の因果関係では, ソーシャルサポートによって日常苛立ち事が緩和されているという結果であった。年齢層別比較では, 20歳代と同様に40歳代でも情緒的サポートや評価的サポートを必要としていたことからも, 今後は, サポートのタイプ別による介入方法の検討が必要となると考える。}, pages = {47--58}, title = {高齢者の介護業務ストレスに影響する社会的支援による効果}, volume = {1}, year = {2001} }