@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001127, author = {遠藤, 順子 and 菅原, 真優美 and Endo, Junko@@@Sugawara Mayumi}, issue = {4}, journal = {新潟青陵大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The purpose of this study is to find the characters of self-consciousness and self-evaluation of nursing students, and to investigate the relation between these characters and the empathy that is one of main nursing elements. We executed questionnaire composed of 'Self-Esteem-Scale', 'Self-consciousness scale', 'Scale of motivation for acquiring praise or motivation for avoiding rejection' and 'Emotional Empathy Scale' at nursing college in Tokyo (the third grade 905 students). As a result, we found that there is no relation between 'Self-Esteem- Scale'and'Emotional-Warmth'. And, there is a correlation between 'public self-consciousness', and 'motivation for acquiringpraise', 'motivation for avoiding rejection'. Students having high 'public self-consciousness' are strongly effected by 'emotional-warmth'. Under these results considered, we discussed educational efforts of nursing educators for nursing students, 本研究は,看護学生の自己評価・自己意識について調査し,それらの特徴と看護の主な要素のひとつである共感との関連を明らかにすることを目的とした。調査は,東京都内の看護専門学校(3年課程)の看護学生905名を対象に,(1)「自尊感情尺度(Self-Esteem Scale)」(2)「自己意識特性尺度(self-consciousness Scale)」(3)「賞賛獲得欲求・拒否回避欲求尺度」(4)「情動的共感性尺度(E E S;Emotional Empathy Scale)」から構成される質問紙を実施した。主要な結果は,(1)「自尊感情」と「感情的暖かさ」との間には相関関係は認められなかった。(2)「公的自己意識」と「賞賛獲得欲求」および「拒否回避欲求」との間には正の相関関係が認められた。3.「公的自己意識」が高い者ほど「感情的暖かさ」に強く影響していた。これらの結果から,看護学生に対する看護教員の教育的働きかけについて考察した。}, pages = {171--186}, title = {看護学生の自己意識・自己評価と共感性の関連}, volume = {4}, year = {2004} }