@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001181, author = {半藤, 保 and 芳賀, 恵 and 寺島, 隆夫 and Hando, Tamotsu@@@Haga Megumi@@@Terashima Takao}, issue = {7}, journal = {新潟青陵大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 244 pregnant women were evaluated their glycosuria at each pre-natal and post-natal visit at M Hospital in Niigata city in 2005 by their clinical charts retrospectively. The results were as follows; 1. Positive glycosuria was detected in 27.0%(66/244 pregnant women). Positive rate of glycosuria showed gradual rise as pregnancy weeks advanced: First trimester (~15weeks) ; 4/244 (1.6%)、Second trimester (16~27weeks) ; 17/244(7.0%)、Third trimester (28weeks~) ; 44/244(18.4%). At 1 and 3 months after delivery, no glycosuria was detected in all patients. 2. Among positive glycosuria in 66 pregnant women at prenatal visits, 32 showed only one time of glycosuria, 21 showed 2 times of positive glycosuria, 9 showed 3 times of glycosuria, 3 showed 4 times of glycosuria, and 1 showed 5 times of glycosuria. None of the glycosuriua positive patients at two successive prenatal visits showed elevated level of blood glucose. In 3 pregnant women, 75gOGTT was examined when they showed 3 times of successive glycosuria at their prenatal visits, but none proved diabetic pattern. 3. No relationship was found between frequency of positive glycosuria and birth weight of the newborn., 妊婦健診、分娩を経て、産褥1,3ヶ月健診を受診した244人を対象に、受診時の尿糖検査成績を後方視的に調査し、以下の成績が得られた。 1.尿糖陽性率は244人中66人(27.0%)で妊娠週数の進行とともに高くなった。はじめて尿糖が出現したのは妊娠4ヶ月で、妊娠10ヶ月には6.6%の陽性率であった。ただし、産褥期には全例とも尿糖は陰性化し、妊娠糖尿病や糖尿病と診断されたものはいなかった。2.2回以上尿糖陽性者34人中、連続2回以上尿糖陽性を示した17人に空腹時血糖検査が施行されたが、いずれも正常値の範囲内にあり、また連続3回尿糖陽性を示した3人に75gOGTTが施行されたが、3人とも正常型で単なる妊娠性尿糖陽性と判定された。 3.尿糖陽性回数と出生児体重との比較では、尿糖3回群で児体重が重い傾向を示したものの、尿糖出現回数と体重間に統計学的有意差は認めなかった。}, pages = {1--5}, title = {妊婦検診・産褥婦健診時の尿糖検査成績とその臨床的意義}, volume = {7}, year = {2007} }