@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001186, author = {清水, みどり and 柳原, 清子 and Shimizu, Midori@@@Yanagihaya Kiyoko}, issue = {7}, journal = {新潟青陵大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Aim: The aim of this paper was to clarify the attitudes toward care of the dying about institutional caregivers and to explain the factors associated with these attitudes and to provide guidance for terminal care at the long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly. Methods: The subjects were institutional caregivers ( n=469) working at a Long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly in N Prefecture. Results: 73.3% of the caregivers have experienced terminal care at their facilities and 56.1% of the caregivers have taken care of the dying of up to five residents. 55.7% of the caregivers had positive attitudes toward terminal care at the care facilities. The factors associated with these attitudes were a kind of occupation, age, the number of people taking care of the dying, the length of time working at the present care facility and the location of the care facility. They had acquired the positive attitudes toward terminal care by gathering more experiences about the care of the dying. Conclusions:The results of this study reiterated the necessity for the teaching of the family care and the terminal care to the care workers, and the structuring the mental support systems for the caregivers who promote the terminal care at a long-term care welfare facilities., 介護保険改定直前の,特別養護老人ホーム職員の死の看取りに対する意識を明らかにするため,N県下の施設に勤務する職員計469人を対象に調査を行った.その結果,職員の73.3%が入所者の死の看取りを経験していたが,看取った人数5 人以下が56.1%だった.55.7%の職員が施設における死の看取りに積極的に取り組みたいと考えていた.死の看取りに対する考えに関連する要因は,職種,年齢,看取り人数および現施設での経験年数,施設の立地場所だった.職員の死の看取りに対する積極的な態度は,看取り経験を積み重ねることで形成されることがわかった.特養で死の看取りをおこなうには,介護職に家族援助や終末期ケアに関する教育を行うこと,職員の心理的支援体制を整備することが必要であることがわかった.}, pages = {51--62}, title = {特別養護老人ホーム職員の死の看取りに対する意識 : 介護保険改定直前のN県での調査}, volume = {7}, year = {2007} }