@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001194, author = {清水, 理恵 and 金子, 史代 and Shimizu, Rie@@@Kaneko Fumiyo}, issue = {7}, journal = {新潟青陵大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between the self-care agency and the assists, the behaviors for the self-care of patient with diabetes. The subjects consisted of 60 mature adulthood, their mean average age was 56.97 years (SD=6.62 years), with diabetes. The research instruments use were a self-care assistance questionnaire, the behaviors of self-care of patient with diabetes and the Self-Care Agency Questionnaire (SCAQ). Patients that scored high on the SCAQ subscale, behavior exhibited by self-care patients has included; consulting nurses about their self-care, talking to other patients about self-care,using available pamphlets and participation in hospital workshops. They were asked their main purpose or joy in life by their nurses followed by a discussion and advice as deemed appropriate., 糖尿病患者のセルフケアのための行動、およびセルフケアへの支援とセルフケア能力の関係を、セルフケアのための行動とセルフケアへの支援についての質問紙、セルフケア能力を査定する質問紙(SCAQ)により調査し検討した。対象者は成人期にある糖尿病患者60人、平均年齢は56.97歳(SD=6.62)であった。セルフケア能力の下位尺度の得点が高い患者は、困ったときに看護師に相談し同病者と話し、病院からのパンフレットや病院の勉強会を活用することをセルフケアのための行動としていた。また、看護師から、いきがいや今までのやり方をきいてもらい、特別に指導時間を設けてもらっていた。}, pages = {155--165}, title = {糖尿病患者のセルフケアのための行動、および支援とセルフケア能力の関係}, volume = {7}, year = {2007} }