@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001209, author = {三宅, 久枝 and 伊豆, 麻子 and 篠原, 裕子 and 相馬, 幸恵 and 小山, 歌子 and Miyake, Hisae@@@Izu Asako@@@Shinohara Yuko@@@Souma Yukie@@@Koyama Utako}, issue = {8}, journal = {新潟青陵大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, With the objective of obtaining suggestions about methods of carrying out training for nurses working in small-scale facilities (hospitals with 200 beds or less, clinics, nurse-care insurance service centers, etc), trainees who had actually received training in Niigata Prefecture intended for nurses in small-scale facilities, and the managers of the facilities to which those trainees belonged, were asked to give their inclinations in a survey. (Self-completion, questionnaire-type survey. Response rate : trainees, 53.1 per cent; facility managers, 62.8 per cent.) As a result, various suggestions were obtained: desirability of flexible training programs where training themes are set on the basis of the nurses' work place and nursing service situation, with selective attendance at training sessions; establishment of training halls and schedules which enable nurses to commute easily; need to publicize knowledge of the training courses to the managers of the nurses’ facilities as well as to appeal positively to the nurses for whom the training is intended; putting into effect of a training plan in cooperation with local doctors' associations and nursing associations, in order to carry out effective training., 小規模施設(200床以下の病院、および、診療所、介護保険サービス事業所等)に勤務する看護者の研修の実施方法に関する示唆を得ることを目的として、新潟県内で実際に小規模施設看護者向けの研修を受講した者、および、その受講者の所属施設の管理者を対象に、研修に対する意向調査を行った。(自記式質問紙調査.回収率;受講者53.1%、施設管理者62.8%)その結果、看護者の職場や看護サービスの実態を踏まえた研修テーマを設定し、選択的な受講等、柔軟性のある研修プログラムが望まれること、看護者が容易に通うことができる研修会場や日程を設定すること、研修会の周知は、看護者の施設管理者へのPRを行うとともに、研修対象となる看護者への積極的な働きかけが必要であること、効果的に研修を行うためには、地域の医師会や看護職能団体等と協働して研修企画を行うこと等の示唆を得ることができた。}, pages = {67--75}, title = {小規模施設に勤務する看護者への効果的研修に関する研究(第2報)}, volume = {8}, year = {2008} }