@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001222, author = {横尾, 久美子 and Daniels, Ken and Yokoh, Kumiko@@@Daniels Ken}, issue = {8}, journal = {新潟青陵大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Currently, there are over 70,000 patients in psychiatric wards unable to be discharged due to personal and social cercumstances, as well as they are able to return to usual social community. This article will look at both history and current strategies for the transition of patients form large hospitals to community care practiced in New Zealand, as a viable model for Japan. Although New Zealand, remains a social welfare state, social policy have undergone significant changes. In spite of an economic downturn, the system has retained, it's strong philosophical foundation and now delivers many services through, NGO, including housing, and mental health team care., 今日、本邦では約7万人の社会的入院患者が精神病院に在院しており、それらの人々は社会的資源が整えば退院可能と言われている。本論においてはニュージーランドでの福祉施策、特に精神保健福祉の歴史的展望、ならびに現地調査をふまえ、今日、同国でおこなわれている地域ケアサービスの実態を具体的に報告、本邦に於ける有用な地域支援モデルとして提示した。}, pages = {207--216}, title = {ニュージーランドにおける精神障害者地域生活支援(第一報) : 福祉国家の変貌と本邦の課題に関する一考察}, volume = {8}, year = {2008} }