@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001307, author = {金子, 史代 and 倉井, 佳子 and 広瀬, ひろみ and 佐藤, 益美 and 山際, 和子}, issue = {3}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The purpose of this study was to identify the factors related to the self-care behavior of elderly outpatients aged 75 years and older who are treated for chronic diseases. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with elderly patients aged 75 years and older at diabetes and dialysis outpatient clinics, namely, 7 patients with type 2 diabetes and 7 patients with chronic renal failure. The results, analyzed by the KJ method, revealed that self-care behavior was influenced by the integration of 4 factors: motivation and enjoyment of life, support from family and people close to the elderly, creative efforts to maintain the lifestyle, and an understanding of the disease and its treatment. While “motivation and enjoyment of life” was the most important emotional support for elderly outpatients aged 75 years and older who are treated for chronic diseases and practice self-care, it was also found that self-care behavior was enhanced by “support from family and people close to the elderly” and the ability to apply “an understanding of the disease and its treatment” in daily life, such as making “creative efforts to maintain the lifestyle” suited to them., 本研究の目的は、外来で慢性病の治療を受けている後期高齢者のセルフケアに関連する要因を明らかにすることである。糖尿病外来と透析外来に通院している2型糖尿病患者7名と慢性腎不全患者7名の後期高齢者に半構成的面接法による調査を行い、KJ法を用いて分析した。その結果、セルフケアに関連する要因として「生きがいと楽しみ」「家族と身近な人々による支援」「生活を維持する工夫」「病気と治療の理解」の4つが統合された。外来で慢性病の治療を受けている後期高齢者のセルフケアには、その人の生活の中での「生きがいと楽しみ」が最も重要な支えとなっていた。そして、自分に必要な「家族と身近な人々による支援」を受けながら、生活に活かせる「病気と治療の理解」から、自分らしい「生活を維持する工夫」をすることがセルフケアに関連する要因となっていた。}, pages = {43--53}, title = {外来で慢性病の治療を受けている後期高齢者のセルフケアに関連する要因の検討}, volume = {4}, year = {2012} }