@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001318, author = {久保田, 美雪 and 中村, 圭子 and 柄澤, 清美 and 菅原, 真優美}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, The objective of this research is to investigate the feasibility and significance of junior students playing the role of simulated patients in a simulation exercise of nursing operations. After the exercise, a questionnaire survey was conducted for 13 third-year students who played the role of simulated patients, as well as for 41 fourth-year students who played the role of the nurse. As a result, the experience of acting as simulated patients provided third-year students opportunities to be aware of “nursing management” and “patient handling,” as well as opportunities to learn from “self-reflection.” In addition, by playing the patient role based on the scenario, they were able to give feedback from the perspective of “manner” and “safety and comfort of nursing techniques” to the students playing the role of the nurse, thereby assisting with the learning of fourth-year students. From these findings, it was considered feasible for junior students to play the role of simulated patients, and this was also thought to have educational effects. However, it was made clear that there were difficulties in non-verbal expression and hesitation for feedback. This suggested the need for prior education, improvement of scenarios, and involvement of staff in this exercise., 本研究の目的は、看護業務シミュレーション演習で下級生が模擬患者を担う妥当性と意義を検討することである。演習後に、模擬患者になった3年生13人、看護師役になった4年生41人に質問紙調査を行った。その結果、3年生にとって模擬患者体験は、「看護マネジメント」「患者対応」について気づき、「自己の振り返り」を行う学習機会になっていた。また、シナリオに基づき患者を演じ、看護師役に「マナー」「看護技術の安全性・安楽性」という観点からフィードバックでき、4年生の学習を助けていた。このことより、下級生が模擬患者を担うことは妥当かつ教育効果もあると考えられた。しかし、非言語的な表現の困難さやフィードバックへの躊躇があることも明らかとなり、事前教育やシナリオの改善、教員の関わりの必要性が示唆された。}, pages = {11--21}, title = {看護業務シミュレーション演習に模擬患者を導入する意義と妥当性 : 下級生看護学生を模擬患者として}, volume = {5}, year = {2012} }