@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001326, author = {金子, 史代 and 倉井, 佳子 and 佐藤, 益美}, issue = {3}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, We investigated support skills that are necessary when planning the discharge of elderly patients hospitalized in convalescence rehabilitation wards whose families will assist them with self-care. We interviewed 10 nurses working in a convalescence rehabilitation ward and asked about their daily nursing activities concerning family members to assist with the self-care of elderly patients, and the collected data were qualitatively analyzed using a qualitative synthesis method (KJ method). Specific skills that were elicited by this study include ""developing a cooperative relationship with families,"" ""sustaining the relationship between elderly patients and their families,"" ""explaining the condition of the elderly patients to their families and providing opportunities to experience care activities"" and ""cooperating with families to use the remaining functions of elderly patients in everyday life."" Nursing assistance to families who will assist with the self-care of elderly patients who had been hospitalized in convalescence rehabilitation wards, at their discharge, includes a proper understanding of the feelings and thoughts of both the patients and their family members, as well as the relationship between them, to provide assistance that will improve the family caregiver's ability to make use of the remaining functions of the elderly patients in everyday life, and to encourage the elderly patients about being discharged., 本研究の目的は、回復期リハビリテーション病棟に入院している高齢患者のセルフケアを支援する家族への退院支援としての援助技術を明らかにすることである。回復期リハビリテーション病棟の10名の看護師に、高齢患者のセルフケアを支援するための家族への日常の看護実践について面接調査を行い、収集したデータを質的統合法(KJ法)により質的に分析した。その結果、【家族と連携し協働する 】【家族と高齢患者の関係を維持する】【家族に高齢患者の状況を伝えケア体験の機会をつくる】【家族とともに高齢患者のもつ能力を生活にいかす】が明らかになった。これらから、回復期リハビリテーション病棟に入院している高齢者のセルフケアを支援する家族への退院支援としての援助技術は、高齢患者と家族それぞれの思い、考え、家族の関係性を理解し、高齢患者の能力を生活にいかせるよう家族の介護能力を高めるケアを提供し退院に導く技術であることが示唆された。}, pages = {41--49}, title = {高齢患者のセルフケアを支援する家族への退院支援 としての援助技術}, volume = {5}, year = {2013} }