@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001357, author = {坪川, トモ子 and 渡邉, 典子 and 田崎, 充子 and 赤羽, 礼子}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, This study investigates the effect of peer education delivered by midwifery students on high school students’ sexual education. Our research methodology involved 860 high school students, who took the sexual education program delivered by peer educators. They were then requested to answer a questionnaire about the impact of the program. We subjected the resulting data to detailed analysis using qualitative and descriptive analytical techniques. Our findings identified seven categories of learning outcomes, including “knowledge gaining and deepening recognition”, “awareness of self protection”, “development of will toward sexual behavior”, and “appreciation for learning from university students”. In addition, comparisons within coded subcategories showed that girls listed three subcategories as important including “protecting yourself with respect” and boys put more emphasis on “a caring attitude to girls”. We concluded that peer education by midwifery students demonstrated several effects. Outcomes included enhanced empathy and affirmative acceptance, as well as encouragement to self determination and self responsibility concerning sexual behavior through education on awareness about the preciousness of life, the gratitude to parents, the facts of abortion and similar issues. These were learned through sharing the experiences of practical midwifery training., 本研究は、性教育における助産専攻学生による高校生に対するピアエデュケーションの効果を明らかにすることを目的とした。助産専攻学生が行った性教育の授業を受講した高校生、860人の感想を質的記述的分析の手続きに基づき分析した。その結果、【知識の獲得や認識の深まり】、【自分を守ることの意識化】、【性行動への意志の芽生え】、【大学生から教わることへの評価】などの7つのカテゴリーが抽出され、サブカテゴリー別コード数の男女比較では、女子は《自分を大切にして守る》などの3つが、男子は《相手への思いやり》が有意に高かった。助産専攻学生によるピアエデュケーションは、共感を高め肯定的に受け止められるピアエデュケーションの効果に加え、助産実習の体験を通して考えた命の尊さ、親への感謝、人工妊娠中絶の現実等を伝えることにより、性行動に関する自己決定や自己責任を促す効果があると考えられる。}, pages = {35--45}, title = {性教育における助産専攻学生による高校生に対するピアエデュケーションの効果}, volume = {6}, year = {2013} }