@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001415, author = {金子, 史代 and 倉井, 佳子}, issue = {3}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The objective of the study is to identify nursing care and related problems involved in extending the daily life and supporting self-care of the elderly who underwent neurosurgical operation, and to determine the direction of nursing care. Subjects were six nurses who had been working in an acute-phase department for five years or longer. Collected data was analyzed by the qualitative synthesis method (KJ method). The results clarified [nursing care to enhance the treatment effect of neurosurgical operation in the elderly], [coordination and cooperation with other medical occupations], [understanding of characteristics of the elderly and changes caused by neurosurgical operation in the elderly], [support for the objective of nursing care for the elderly who underwent neurosurgical operation], [support for the elderly for independence and self-control], [restraint to protect the safety of the elderly who underwent surgical operation and mental strain (of nurses) due to such work], and [support for the family of the elderly who help with postoperative motivation for recovery and cognitive ability of the elderly]. There also were the following problems: the need for agreement between medical occupations toward hospital discharge of the elderly; relationship to enhance the capacity of the family of the elderly for nursing care; and difficulties of the practice to reduce the period of restraint to protect the safety of the elderly. It was suggested that there is a need for effective coordination and cooperation of the whole medical team in the nursing care of the elderly who underwent neurosurgical operation., 本研究の目的は、脳神経の手術を受けた高齢者の日常生活行動の拡大とセルフケアの支援に必要な看護と課題を明らかにし看護の方向性を見出すことである。研究対象者は急性期病棟に5年以上勤務している看護師6名である。収集したデータは質的統合法(KJ法)により分析した。その結果、【高齢者の脳神経の手術治療の効果を高める看護】【他の医療職との連携と協働】【高齢者の特徴と脳神経の手術により生じる高齢者の変化の把握】【脳神経の手術を受けた高齢者の看護の目標に向けた支援】【高齢者の自立と自律への支援】【術後の高齢者の安全を守る抑制、その行為による(看護師の)心の痛み】【高齢者の術後の回復意欲と認知能力を支える家族への支援】が明らかになった。課題としては、高齢者の退院に向けた職種間の合意の必要性、高齢者の家族の介護力を引き出す関わり、そして、高齢者の安全を守る抑制の時間を短縮する実践の困難を述べていた。脳神経の手術を受けた高齢者の看護では、医療チーム全体の効果的な連携と協働の強化の必要性が示唆された。}, pages = {35--44}, title = {脳神経の手術を受けた高齢者の看護の実際と課題の検討}, volume = {6}, year = {2014} }