@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001519, author = {本間, 昭子 and 塚原, 加寿子 and 田辺, 生子 and 坪川, トモ子 and 和田, 由紀子}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, The objective of this study is to reveal the experience process of the mothers who are facing with the difficulties in caring children with food allergies, and to consider the supports they require from the medical personnel and staff of nurseries and schools. As we conducted semi-structured interviews on 9 mothers, and analyzed with modified grounded theory approach, 6 categories and 22 concepts were extracted. Mothers were desperately seeking an ‘anchorage in lack of medical reliability’ and were exposed to the [anxieties of unpredictable futures] with ‘deep concerns to their children’ and ‘ceaseless tensions of daily life’. It revealed their process of finding the point for mutual agreement between the ‘anchorage they had found’ and ‘nurseries or schools’, and accepting themselves ‘who must live on, looking forward’. In order to lighten mothers’ burden of childcare difficulties, supports by medical health professionals are much required, such as early diagnosis, initiation of appropriate treatment, persuadable explanation and encouragement to join in parents association. The supports required from the personnel of nurseries and schools are cooperative supports based on the accurate understandings on food allergies., 本研究の目的は、食物アレルギーの子どもの養育困難に立ち向かう母親の体験プロセスを明らかにし、母親が求める医療関係者や保育園・学校の教職員の支援を検討することである。母親9名に半構造化面接を行い、修正版グラウンデット・セオリー・アプローチを用いて分析した結果、6カテゴリーと22概念が抽出された。 母親らは<医療不信の中で探し求める拠り所>を求めて奔走し、<子どもへの切ない思い>と<緊張の続く生活>の中で【先の見えない辛さ】にさらされていた。<出会えた拠り所>と<保育園・学校との妥協点を探っての折り合い>を得て、母親自らが<前を向いて生きるしかない自分との折り合い>に到達するプロセスが明らかになった。 母親の養育困難を軽減するには、医療関係者による早期診断と適切な治療の開始、納得できる情報の提供、親の会の参加に繋がる支援が求められていた。保育園や学校の教職員に求める支援は、食物アレルギーに関する正しい認識に基づいた協力的対応であった。}, pages = {23--33}, title = {食物アレルギーの子どもの養育困難に立ち向かう母親の体験プロセス}, volume = {8}, year = {2015} }