@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001568, author = {柄澤, 清美 and 久保田, 美雪 and 菅原, 真優美 and Karasawa, Kiyomi@@@Kubota Miyuki@@@Sugawara Mayumi}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, A multi-tasking exercise is to simulate nursing services, including administration of medications, observation of patient's condition, preparation for examination, and response to patient's inquiries or requests, while handling multiple patients. We implemented this exercise as part of a pre-graduation seminar on nursing art for 4th year nursing students at University A, and conducted a questionnaire survey of the participating students in order to clarify goal attainment and any issues of the exercise. The results showed that the students' self-evaluation and the level of goal attainment in the multi-tasking exercise were low. However, the students' self-evaluation as “incapable" led to the realization of their specific abilities and problems, and deepened their understanding of the need to always prepare before providing assistance, the need to consider setup beforehand, thinking in deciding order of priorities, precautions to avoid mistakes, the need to report to a leader, and the importance of calmness and composure. The issues of the exercise were preparation for increasing successful experience, examination of the experience frequency, and development of an environment that allows students to concentrate on their tasks., 多重課題演習は、複数患者を受け持ちながら「与薬」「状態観察」「検査の準備」「患者の訴えへの対応」など看護業務のシミュレーションを行う演習である。今回A大学看護学科4年生を対象に卒業前技術演習でこれを実施し、演習の目標達成状況、企画の課題を明らかにすることを目的に参加学生への質問紙調査を行った。 その結果、多重課題演習に対する学生の自己評価ならびに目標達成度は低かった。しかし、学生の「できなかった」という自己評価は、自分の力量と課題を具体的に自覚することに繋がり、「援助の前には常に準備が必要であること」「あらかじめ段取りを考える必要性」「優先順位を決めるときの思考」「ミスを引き起こさないための注意」「リーダーに報告すべきこと」「落ち着きや冷静さの重要性」への理解は深まっていた。また、企画の課題は、成功体験を増やすための準備、体験回数の検討、課題に集中できる環境づくりであった。}, pages = {19--29}, title = {卒業前技術演習における「多重課題演習」の成果と課題}, volume = {2}, year = {2010} }