@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001623, author = {斎藤, まさ子 and 本間, 恵美子 and 内藤, 守 and 田辺, 生子 and 佐藤, 亨 and 小林, 理恵}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The object of this study is to clarify the psychosocial process, in hikikomori cases, leading from the stage of initial recontact with society to the decision to find a job using a job assistance facility. Throughout the whole process, along with the focus on the relationship with parents, particular attention was also paid to the influence of the relationship with other people and staff encountered at the job assistance facility. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with former hikikomori and the experiences of ten former hikikomori were analyzed using Modified Grounded Theory Approach. From the time there hikikomori felt that they were no longer being criticized so much, as their parents started to take a less critical attitude, they could feel welling up inside them the strength to embark on something new, while there was also interplay among the three factors of“ trying to do their own thing,”“ hope for the future” and a“ vague sense that things were going to be all right.” At some point, the hikikomori decided to look for a job assistance facility as a“ first step towards asking for help” and there, thanks to exchanges with the staff and other people through activities, they felt welling up inside them the strength to work. Overall“, help from parents” in the sense of an awareness of their child’s independence played a part., 本研究の目的は、ひきこもる人が社会との再会段階の状態から就労支援施設を活用して就労を決断するまでの心理社会的プロセスを明らかにすることである。特に、プロセス全般に渡って親との関係性に焦点を当てるとともに、就労支援施設で出会う仲間やスタッフとの関係性の影響にも注目した。ひきこもり経験者に半構造化面接を実施し、就労している10名の体験について修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて分析した。親からの批判的態度が軽減し[非難の鎮まり感]を抱くころから【踏み出す力の醸造】が行われるようになり<自分に向きあう><将来への希望><ぼんやりと大丈夫感>の三者が互いに影響しあっていた。あるとき就労支援機関を自ら探索し【支援を求めて第一歩】を踏み出し、そこでは活動をとおしたスタッフや仲間との交流により【働く力の醸造】が行われていた。全体的に、本人の自立を意識した【親からの支援】が影響していた。}, pages = {11--20}, title = {ひきこもる人が社会との再会段階から就労を決断するまでの心理社会的プロセス}, volume = {9}, year = {2017} }