@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001626, author = {渡辺, 優子}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The purpose of this study was to elucidate some of the characteristics of young children’s vocal reproductions of Japanese children’s songs (warabe-uta) which had just been taught to them. The subjects were 38 five-year-old children, attending 4 different kindergartens. Their vocalizations were compared to the correct fundamental frequencies, with special attention paid to overall pitch and the tone intervals reproduced. The following general observations could be made from the study results: 1 .The children tended to diminish rising tone intervals, resulting in the songs generally being sung at an incorrectly-low pitch overall, 2 .After finishing one word cluster and beginning a second word cluster, the first note of this second cluster was often pitched too low, and too close to the last note of the previous cluster, 3 .The natural intonation of the way words in the lyrics would be spoken in everyday speech tended to affect the way the children sang them within the context of the melodic line, 4 .At the ends of melodic phrases where there was first a falling whole tone, then a rising whole tone, the first (falling) tone interval was usually sung correctly as a whole tone, but the second (rising) whole-tone interval tended to be incorrectly diminished., 幼児のわらべうたの歌唱の特性を明らかにするために、4園の5歳児38名について、わらべうたの短期記憶再生音声より基本周波数を確定した。その上で、5歳児のわらべうたの歌唱の特徴について、音高や音程の観点より考察した。その結果、次の4点があげられた。 ①全体的に音程の幅を狭く取るために、原曲より低く歌うこと。②5歳児は言葉のまとまりごとに、その前の音の音高に近い適宜な高さから歌い始めること。③言葉の抑揚が旋律の動きに影響を及ぼすこと。④2度音程の終止の場合、長2度下がってから、長2度上行して終止音となる場合が多いが、下降する音程に比べて、終止音に向けて上行する音程がはっきりしない傾向があること。}, pages = {45--51}, title = {5歳児のわらべうたの短期記憶再生音声の分析}, volume = {9}, year = {2017} }