@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001627, author = {渡邉, 路子 and 田辺, 生子 and 伊豆, 麻子 and 坪川, トモ子}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, For the purpose of examining the effects and problems of public health nursing exercises incorporating case methods, we conducted a survey on students before and after the exercises. The learning objectives were as follows: Comprehending the information needed for personal/family support, Setting goals for personal/family support, Understanding the link from personal/family support to group support, and Demonstrating an ability to gather and assess information for collective and/or regional support. Regarding the level of achievement for these goals, it was found that from 15 of the 17 items the total results of‘ Did Well’ and‘ Did Fairly Well’ exceeded 85%. As for improving problem-solving ability, significant differences were observed before and after the exercises in all 5 items of Aggressiveness, Sociality, Responsibility, Emotional Stability and Communication Ability. There was no significant difference in the improvement of Self-Efficacy before and after the exercises. Although exercises incorporating case methods were found to have certain effects, it was suggested that from now on it will be necessary to consider the factors that lead to the improvement of the students’ self-efficacy through the exercises., ケースメソッドを取り入れた公衆衛生看護技術演習の効果と課題を検討することを目的に、対象学生に演習前後に質問紙調査を行い、統計学的手法を用いて分析した。学習目標の達成度については、「個人・家族支援のために把握する情報がわかる」「個人・家族支援のアセスメントができる」「個人・家族支援の目標設定ができる」「個人・家族支援から集団への支援へのつながりがわかる」「集団・地域支援のための情報収集とアセスメントができる」「集団・地域支援のための支援方法を考えることができる」など、17項目中15項目において、「できた」「まあできた」の合計が85%を超えていた。課題解決能力の向上については、【積極性】、【社会性】、【責任性】、【情緒安定性】、【コミュニケーション能力】の5項目すべてにおいて演習実施前と実施後で有意差がみられた。自己効力感の向上については、演習実施前後で有意差がみられなかった。ケースメソッドを取り入れた演習は、一定の効果が認められたものの、今後は、演習を通して学生の自己効力感の向上に繋がるような関わりについて検討していく必要があることが示唆された。}, pages = {53--62}, title = {ケースメソッドを取り入れた公衆衛生看護技術演習の効果と課題}, volume = {9}, year = {2017} }