@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001628, author = {小島, さやか and 小林, 祐子 and 帆苅, 真由美 and 小林, 理恵 and 清水, 理恵}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, To clarify the levels of satisfaction of nursing students with perioperative practical training and the factors influencing these levels, we conducted an anonymous self-questionnaire survey of 83 nursing students who had participated in perioperative practical training. The survey included questions about training situations, levels of satisfaction with the training, and evaluation of the training and teaching system. Analysis of the impacts of the perioperative practical training on the students’ learning showed that students who had observed the surgery through to completion showed significantly greater interest in operating room nursing, and that nurses’ guidance in open surgery was evaluated significantly more highly than their guidance in endoscopic surgery. Deepening of learning by observing surgery, receiving teachers’ guidance, and receiving guidance from nurses during surgery affected the students’ levels of satisfaction with perioperative practical training. To increase these levels of satisfaction, continuing surgical nursing education by teachers and nurses is needed. Before surgery, we need to improve students’ preparation for training by prior learning; during surgery, we need to tell students the progress of the ongoing surgery and the roles of nurses as needed. In addition, practical experience in nursing skills enables students to deepen their understanding of surgical nursing. These factors will increase the satisfaction levels of nursing students., 看護学生の手術室実習における実習満足度とその影響要因を明らかにすることを目的とし、手術室実習を行った看護学生83名に無記名自記式質問紙調査を行った。調査内容は実習状況、実習満足度のほか、実習および指導体制への評価とした。手術室実習が看護学生の学びに与える影響を分析した結果、実習状況別では手術終了まで見学した学生は興味が有意に高く、切開手術群は鏡視下手術群に比して手術室看護師の指導への評価が有意に高かった。手術室実習満足度には手術見学による学びの深まり、教員の指導、手術中の看護師の指導が影響していることが明らかになった。 手術室実習の満足度を高めるためには、教員と看護師による継続的な手術看護教育が求められる。術前は事前学習により実習準備状態を高める工夫を行い、術中は手術の進行状況や看護師の役割を随時伝えることや看護実践の経験により手術看護の理解を深めることが満足度の向上につながる。}, pages = {63--72}, title = {周手術期看護学実習における手術室実習の満足度を高める要因 : 実習状況および手術室看護師・教員の指導との関連}, volume = {9}, year = {2017} }