@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001905, author = {中村, 圭子 and 中村, 恵子 and 斎藤, まさ子 and 小山, 聡子 and 荒木, 重嗣 and 齋藤, 智 and 清水, 葵 and 野澤, 葉子}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The purpose of this study is to reveal the structure of the satisfactions and difficulties that nursing staff members feel in their job by conducting a questionnaire survey with those working at a welfare facility for the aged in Niigata Prefecture. The analyses of causal associations and mutual relationships between the variables of the both feelings found that their feeling of satisfaction based on “Nursing Assessment/Treatment” exercised influences on “Livelihood Support, etc.”, “Coordination, etc.” and “Evaluation by Others”(p=0.030). The satisfaction seems to derive from the moments when nurses are allowed to exercise their professional skills.  Meanwhile, as for their feeling of difficulty“, Nursing Assessment/Treatment” made an impact on“ Livelihood Support, etc.” and“ Coordination, etc.” and, further“, Coordination, etc.” had an influence ove“r Cooperation with Other Professionals”(p=0.041). The covariance structure of sense of difficulty is extremely similar to that of the sense of satisfaction, indicating how nurses find their profession satisfying and at the same time difficult. From the comparison of averages, it was identified that nurses with less than 30 years of professional experience found “Cooperation with other professionals”(p=0.041) and“ training” (p=0.027) significantly more difficult than found among nurses with 30 years or longer experience. Compared to nurses with less than ten years of experience, nurses with ten years or longer experience found “coordination” significantly more difficult (p=0.013). Further, with respect to the difference in averaged values for the sense of difficulty between those with the sense of satisfaction and those without it, a significant difference was found in the latter group in terms of“ Cooperation with Other Professionals”, demonstrating that their sense of difficulty was significantly higher (p=0.039). Through the study, establishment of a mutually supporting relationship, initiated by nurses approaching other professionals, is identified as the key issue in a collaboration, and an improved relationship is suggested as the factor contributing to reduced sense of difficulty and increased sense of satisfaction among nurses working at elderly welfare facility., 本研究の目的は、新潟県内の老人福祉施設で働く看護職に質問紙調査を実施し、仕事へのやりがいと困難感の構造を明らかにすることである。両者の変数の因果関係や相互関係について解析した結果、仕事へのやりがいは「看護アセスメント・処置」がベースとなって、「生活援助等」、「連絡調整等」、「他者からの評価」に影響を及ぼしていた(p=0.030)。「看護職としての専門性が発揮できることが要因ではないかと考えられた。仕事への困難感は、「看護アセスメント・処置」が「生活援助等」と「連絡調整等」に、さらに「連絡調整等」が「他職種との連携」に影響を及ぼしていた(p=0.041)。やりがいの共分散構造モデルと極めて類似した構造となっており、やりがいを感じると同時に困難感も抱いていることを示していた。また、看護職の経験年数30年未満と30年以上での困難感の平均値差は30年未満が「他職種との連携」(p=0.041)と「研修」(p=0.027)において、現施設での経験年数10年未満と10年以上の困難感の平均値差は10年以上が「連携調整等」において、有意に高かった(p=0.013)。さらに、やりがいの有無による困難感の平均値差は、やりがい無し群は、「他職種との連携」において困難感が有意に高いことが明らかになった(p=0.039)。看護職から他職種に歩み寄る姿勢を示し、助け合える人間関係を築くことが連携における課題であり、この改善が老人福祉施設における看護職の困難感の低減、ひいてはやりがいにつながると考えられた。」}, pages = {13--24}, title = {老人福祉施設における看護職の仕事のやりがいと困難感の構造}, volume = {12}, year = {2019} }