@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001944, author = {斎藤, まさ子 and 本間, 恵美子 and 内藤, 守 and 田辺, 生子 and 佐藤, 亨 and 小林, 理恵}, issue = {1}, journal = {家族看護学研究}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, By carrying out interview-questionnaires with persons who have experienced hikikomori(social withdrawal) and focusing on the emotions of their family‐in particular,the parents- the aim of the present study is to clarify the psychological process which led these persons to take the first step from their hikikomori state to approach support organizations and to obtain suggestions for family support.Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 26 research subjects, and as a result of analysis using the amended grounded‐theory approach, the process was broken down into three categories: "a lonely struggle in the family",“ brewing of power in tolerated environment'' , and “proceed toward goal with family support''. There were three important turning points in the process.First, “parents calming down their own condemnation" made possible “the feeling of being trapped decreasing".Second,the family becoming “a safe base where one can return anytime" led to "a desire to approach a support organization" .Third, “being encouraged" at appropriate times led to action facilitating direction toward support organizations.As for the first,since the parents' response and judgment are key influences, they can be expected to shorten the withdrawal period of the status of hikikomori.Moreover, in terms of famlly support,key points are:explaining the progress of the process to the hikikomori; making assessments at certain points to identify the stage at which she or he is currently; and thinking together about the characteristic actions at that stage and the necessary personal connections on an individual level.In doing so, explalning the aforementioned three turning points,and encouraging an understanding of the importance of cooperation of the hikikomori's parents with the hikikomori her/himself are also important points in order to prevent a prolongation of the hikikomori state., 本研究の目的は、ひきこもり経験者を対象に面接調査を実施し、親に抱く心情に注目しながら、ひきこもり状態から支援機関へと第一歩を踏み出していく心理的プロセスを明らかにすること、および家族支援の示唆を得ることである。研究対象者26名に半構造化面接を行い、修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いて分析した結果、【家族の中で孤独な闘い】、【容認環境で力の醸造】、【家族と共に目標へ向かう】の3つのカテゴリーで構成された。プロセスの中で重要な転換点は3つあり、第1に[親からの非難の沈静化]により[追い詰められ感の軽減]となること、第2に家族という[安全基地の獲得]が[支援機関へのアプローチ願望]につながること、第3に[背中を押される]ことで[勇気を出してハードル越え]を果たすことであった。親からのアプローチで重要なことは、本人が拒否的反応を示す【家族の中で孤独な闘い】では、本人を理解しようとする姿勢であり、批判や叱咤激励ではなく、できるだけ本人が楽になる形の対話による交流が重要であった。また、家族に対しては、本人がたどるプロセスにおいて、今どの段階にいるかを協働でアセスメントし、その段階に応じた目標設定や具体的な関わりについて、共に考える支援が求められる。}, pages = {74--85}, title = {ひきこもり状態の人が支援機関に踏み出すまでの心理的プロセスと家族支援}, volume = {24}, year = {2018} }