@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001952, author = {小島, さやか and 小林, 祐子 and 久保田, 美雪}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, This study aimed to clarify how male nurses who are the fathers of infants and young children are involved in parenting while working night shifts and shift work, and how they felt about it. We conducted semi-structured interviews with six male nurses and analyzed the results using a qualitative descriptive research methodology. The results were classified into five categories and 27 subcategories. The five categories comprised self-confidence in being involved in parenting as a member of a parenting team; time management by taking advantage of shift work; experience of thinking about childcare leave; the significance of their role as a father; and difficulty in balancing work and family life. The subjects were involved in household chores and parenting by taking advantage of shift work and were confident about running their homes cooperatively with their wives. They discovered the significance of their own role as a father through parenting. Although they found household chores and parenting while working night shifts burdensome, they made an effort to balance work and family life. The results suggest that, to support the parenting of male nurses, the key factors are an environment in which male nurses can exchange information on parenting using peer support, arrangement of their work shifts and provision of information to help balance work and family life, and a receptive attitude on the part of their supervisors and colleagues., 本研究の目的は、乳幼児期の子を持つ男性看護師が夜勤・交代制勤務をしながら行う子育てへの関わりや思いを明らかにすることである。男性看護師6名に半構造化面接を行い、質的記述的研究法で分析した結果、27のサブカテゴリーと5つのカテゴリーに分類された。男性看護師の子育ては、【子育ての一員として関わっている自負】【交代制勤務の強みを活かした時間の調整】【育休取得のあり方を考える経験】【父親としての存在価値を見出すこと】【家庭と仕事の折り合いをつける難しさ】に分類された。 対象者は交代制勤務の強みを活かして家事や育児に関わり、夫婦で協力して家庭を支えていると自負していた。子育てを通して父親である自分の存在価値を見出し、夜勤をしながらの家事、育児に負担を感じつつも折り合いをつけようとしていた。男性看護師への子育て支援として、ピアサポートを活かして子育ての情報交換ができる環境、両立支援のための勤務調整と情報提供、上司や同僚の受容的態度の重要性が示唆された。}, pages = {12--22}, title = {夜勤・交代制勤務を行う男性看護師の子育て-乳幼児期の子をもつ父親へのインタビューから-}, volume = {13}, year = {2020} }