@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001978, author = {帆苅, 真由美 and 小林, 祐子 and 清水, 理恵}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, This study attempted to elucidate the reasons for the necessity of surgical-nursing practicums, as well as issues they still face, from a survey of nurse educators. The respondents were 292 nurse educators in charge of surgicalnursing practicums at their nursing-education institution in Japan. 95.5% emphasized the need for these practicums in student training, and their responses – about the need for practicums, and areas for improvement – were analyzed using a qualitative synthesis (KJ) method. Reasons for the necessity of practicums included allowing students to better understand: the surgical treatment setting and surroundings; the physical invasiveness of the surgery (difficult to grasp through class study); the patients’ psychological condition through student-patient interactions; the importance of medical-team cooperation in nursing practice; general nursing in light of its connections to surgical nursing, as well as surgical nursing itself (often poorly-understood). With respect to the students, areas for improvement were: their insufficient infection control, their own physical condition during the practicum, and the fact that they sometimes had no more than a casual interest in surgical nursing. Other issues involved: the limited availability of suitable patients for the practicum, improving educators’ teaching ability to compensate for limited clinical experience, the ability of surgical-nursing supervisors to share their wealth of clinical experience, and mutual understanding and cooperation between educator and supervisor with respect to practicum objectives., 看護基礎教育において手術室実習の科目責任者が認識している手術室実習が必要な理由と課題を明らかにすることを目的に本研究を行った。対象者は国内の看護師養成学校において手術室実習の科目責任者である看護教員292名とした。対象者の95.5%が手術室実習は必要であると回答した。手術室実習が必要な理由と課題については、質的統合法(KJ法)で分析を行った。手術室実習は〖手術療法が行われる治療の場の理解〗〖座学だけではイメージすることが難しい身体侵襲の理解〗〖患者とともにいることで可能となる心理面の理解〗〖看護を行う上で欠かせないチーム医療の理解〗〖手術看護にも共通して存在する看護の理解〗〖未知の領域となりやすい手術看護の理解〗のために必要であり、学生を受け入れることによる〖感染管理の問題や体調不良者の発生〗、学生の〖興味関心レベルから抜け出せない学び〗、教員の〖対象選定の限界〗〖少ない臨床経験を補うための指導力の向上〗、手術室看護師の〖臨床経験の豊かさを活かした関わり〗、教員と手術室看護師の〖手術室実習の目的共有と連携・協働〗が課題として明らかとなった。}, pages = {12--23}, title = {看護師養成学校の手術室実習科目責任者が認識する看護基礎教育において手術室実習が必要な理由と課題}, volume = {14}, year = {2021} }