@article{oai:n-seiryo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002044, author = {杉田, 伸 and 渡邉, 路子}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟青陵学会誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, The aim of the study is to examine the actual conditions and promoting factors of collaboration between occupational health nurses and medical professionals for workers carrying cancer. As a methodology, the survey by mail was adopted. A total of 304 occupational health nurses working in business cites were members of occupational health nurses belonging to the Japan Academy of Occupational Health Nursing and members of the Japanese Society of Occupational Health Nursing who are conducting training in occupational healthcare nursing in their respective prefectures. The selfadministered, unmarked questionnaires were sent to the selected 304 nurses. A total of 114 responded questionnaires within the period from September 2018 to January 2019 were used in the analysis for the study. Then, Fisher's exact test or Mann-Whitney's U test was conducted, with the presence of collaborative practice as the "dependent variable" and factors considered to be related to collaborative practice as the "independent variables. Further, after sorting out the independent variables that were significantly associated with the dependent variable, multiple logistic regression analysis was performed. As a result, "experience of indirect information provision and information sharing through workers" was the most common actual means of collaboration. The study suggests the necessity of gaining more experience in collaboration requested by medical institutions, enriching the curriculum of occupational health nursing at universities as well as graduate schools in order to promote collaboration between occupational health nurses and medical professionals for workers carrying cancer., 産業看護職におけるがんに罹患した労働者に対する医療従事者との連携手段の実態と連携の促進要因について明らかにすることを目的とし、日本産業看護学会員と各都道府県で把握可能な産業看護研究会員のうち、事業所に属する304名の産業看護職を対象に、無記名自記式調査票を用いた郵送調査を実施した。調査期間は2018年9月~2019年1月、回答の得られた114名を解析対象とし、医療従事者との連携手段の実態について及び連携実践に関連する要因の基本統計量を集計した。そして、連携実践の有無を従属変数、連携実践に関連の要因を独立変数とし、Fisherの正確検定またはMann-WhitneyのU検定を行った。さらに、従属変数と有意な関連がみられた独立変数を整理後、多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行った。 結果、連携手段の実態として「労働者を介しての間接的な情報提供と情報共有の経験」が最も多く、産業看護職が医療従事者との連携を促進するためには、医療機関からの依頼による連携経験や産業看護における様々な経験を積むこと、大学・大学院における産業看護学のカリキュラムを充実させることの必要性が示唆された。}, pages = {1--12}, title = {産業看護職におけるがんに罹患した労働者に対する医療従事者との連携手段の実態と連携の促進要因についての検討}, volume = {15}, year = {2022} }